AT-1A: Saalachtaler Rundtur - 8 dgr/7 nt
Bokningsvillkor - Vandra utan packning
Terms & Conditions of travel (eng)
1. Booking/payment of the travel price:
The registration takes place due to the tour description. If changes are made you will be informed with the confirmation. Your booking must be made in writing online by using the attached booking mask. Within five (5) working days you will receive the confirmation/invoice of your booking by E-mail.A deposit of 30 % of the total amount per person is payable immediately. Any bank costs are to be paid by the customer. The remaining sum is payable two (2) weeks before the date of arrival. Then you receive the travelling documents. Sometimes a part of the documents will be provided onsite at the beginning of the tour, detailed information will be on the confirmation/invoice).
2. Services:
The travel price is per person in double room. Single travellers have the possibility to book a single room (see the particular single room prices). Because of the limited number of single rooms available on the tour, sometimes simpler rooms resp. accommodation in another hotel or category have to be accepted
Child reduction:
We can grant a child reduction of 30 % on the lump price for children until 13 years (inclusive), if they are accommodated in the room of the parents (3-bedded or 4-bedded-room). If the requested rooms by any reason are not available the operator will get back with a proposal of available rooms.
3. Cancellation and booking changes made by customers
If you want to cancel the tour, you have to inform us immediately in writing/mail. The cancellation is without any form.
Cancellation costs:
- Up 3 months before arrival €“ free cancellation
- up to 1 month before arrival €“ 40 % of the whole travel price per person
- up to 7 days before arrival €“ 70 % of the whole travel price per person
- up to the last week €“ 90 % of the whole travel price per person
The arrival day applies as tour start.
4. Liability:
The tour operator assumes no liability. The travellers participate in the booked tour at own risk. It is up to the traveller to decide if they are physically fit enough for the tour. Travellers are responsible for the observation of the local regulations and laws. The carriage terms of transport companies are valid.
Each traveller is responsible for all passport and visa requirements and all customs and health regulations. The participation of minors is only possible in attendance of a legal guardian. If the tour is cancelled because of uninfluenceable reasons (act of God, strikes, etc.) Already made payments will be refunded back to the client.
Further claims do not exist.
In the case of complaints the tour operators office-hands has to be informed immediately - contact information will be given on the confirmation/travel documents. Additionally, complaints have to be made in writing within one (1) month after the end of travel. Oral agreements need for their efficiency a confirmation in writing.
It might be correction in prices and services, as well as correction of errors, printing errors and arithmetical errors.
Court of jurisdiction is the place of the tour operator.
Tour operator:
Touristmusverband Saalfelden Leogang